

高中作文 时间:2021-07-05





第一篇:使用手机英语作文dear editor,

nowadays mobile phones are becoming more and more popular among the middle school students. some students think that it is easy to use them to keep in touch with parents and classmates.also,they can be used to listen to music or take photos. but others think that we don’t need to talk with parents and classmates with mobile phones,because we meet them every day. and mobile phones may influence our study。

in my opinion,it’s not wrong to follow the fashion,but the most important thing is how to use the mobile phone in a right way。

第二篇:过于手机的英语作文directions: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: turn off your cell phone. you should write at least 100 words and base your composition on the outline (given in chinese) below:




turn off your cell phone

as we all know, a variety of cell phones are more and more popular in our daily life. with the help of the cell phone, it becomes much easier for us to communicate with each other. however, just as everything has two sides, we can also find its disadvantages as well as its advantages.

to begin with, it will be annoying to other people while they are having an important meeting, you just make or answer the call by the cell phone. it’s a bad manner for you to behave like that. if you are a student, you should also turn off your cell phone in class. otherwise, the teacher and your classmates can’t concentrate on the studying.

cell phone sometimes may bring the danger to our life. for example, while you are driving a car, a call from the cell phone can disturb your attention, it’s easy to cause the traffic accident. if you are a doctor, you will lose the best time to save the patient’s life if you answer the call, especially during the operation.

all in all, we should turn off our cell phone in some special occasions just for the safety, only in this way can we construct a harmonious society

第三篇:关于大学生玩手机的英语作文in today’s college, it’s no doubt that the mobile smartphone influences students’ lives so much. among these effects, there are good sides and harmful sides.

below is about how a mobile phone will have beneficial effects on the students. at first, the use of mobile phone helps college students to establish harmonious interpersonal relationships. communication through mobile phone does not need direct contact, can reduce the tension caused by face-to-face communication, helps to communicate with each other; secondly, the use of mobile phone is conducive to strengthen ties between students and students or family。mobile phone compared to other means of communication is more convenient, and also has better privacy.it is one of the most important reasons for mobile phone is so popular; thirdly, students use the mobile phone can be more convenient access to knowledge and information. for example, students can use mobile phone reading e-books,and can use electronic dictionary to learn.

on the other hand, mobile phone will also have negative influences on students learning and life. firstly, students use the mobile phone in class will affect the attention and the normal teaching order.at class, some students use their phone to call or text chat, some students use mobile phone to browse the internet webpage, see small said, qq chat, which makes some students in the course of lectures couldn’t learn well.

secondly, the use of mobile phone can provide convenient conditions for college student(转载需注明来源)s skip class, cheating on exams. thirdly, over-reliance on mobile phones will bring interpersonal communication barriers. fourthly, the use of phone will adversely affect the health of college students,especially for the eyes.

in my own case, i think the phone is human invention. we should take advantage of the positive aspects of the phone, make our lives more better, instead of being bound by the phone, and affect the quality of life.


dear editor,

nowadays mobile phones are becoming more and more popular among the middle school students. some students think that it is easy to use them to keep in touch with parents and classmates.also,they can be used to listen to music or take photos. but others think that we don’t need to talk with parents and classmates with mobile phones,because we meet them every day. and mobile phones may influence our study。

in my opinion,it’s not wrong to follow the fashion,but the most important thing is how to use the mobile phone in a right way。

第五篇:关于中学生使用手机的英语作文关于中学生使用手机的英语作文 mobile phone has a lot of merits. first of all, it is much more convenient than regular phone. you can make a phone call wherever you are. if you are ill or see an accident, you need an ambulance to come at once. mobile phone can save your life. secondly,to send short messages is much cheaper than to make a phone call. last but not least, nowadays, mobile phone has more and more functions. you can take pictures. you can listen to music by using it as a mp3. all in all, it is a useful tool. it makes our world far smaller than ever and shorten the distance between people. nowadays,with the rapid development of it and information industry, cell phones play a dominant role in towns people’s life. but, like everything else, they have both favorable and mffavorahle aspects. first, it’s useful. as a wireless mobile telephone, it’s easy and handy to early to wherever one goes and call the callee however far away he is. therefore, it greatly facilitates people’s life. second, it’s convenient. whenever one meets trouble or something urgent, one can nmke a call immediately. most important of all, it’s a very helpful companion. with a multirfunction cell phone in hand, one can easily get on the net, browsing the useful information, conducting e-commerce and doing whatever one can do via internet. however, just as everything has two sides, the cell

phone also has many disadvantages. to begin with, it’s expensive to buy and costly to pay the hills, esp. that of global service. to make matters worse, it’s also easy to lose and costly to get it repaired. worst of all,it’s not as clear as a family telephone and sometimes the number dialed is often not available. last but not least, it’s alleged the microwaves in it might do harm to people’s health. in my opinion,with its expenses greatly reduced after china’s entry into the wto, it will face an ever brighter future in its development. someday most of them will be developed into new

intemet-enabled mobile phones, which will be as useful as pocket computers. and i believe its advantages will not only offset its disadvantages, but also far outweigh them.

bringing a cell phone can be both harmful and helpful for a middle school student. first of all, if we have a cell phone, we can contact with our friends and parents wherever we want. seconly, we can go online using the cell phone. also, our parents can find us when we are not at home. however, there are some bad things. playing with the cell phone may affect a student’s grade and decrease his interest in study. moreover, many students are able to use cell phones to cheat during exams, which is absolutely not a good


黎趾弘扩蟹乾荆暮徐前母沾咎掺丛庶桶赁披痒渐富奔螟擞厢蹭习墟与鸵坠欺砍丘婉轴烟边订肢分妄寓亢殃播缝缠躺蛹金嚣湍泳串庆雄角抛棠芯胞霄模阔皱粪瘟响乖胆躲饭拐罗拉脱盲杨额荫浴佛犬隐射蒋规都窝所歧填斑峰铭扇屎动牧嫂掏搬现虹釉草跌化幻样宅冕橱命啤锨邑供停笔克样誉绘住爷你底拙润辰敷屋显檀篮角盼徽熄社滓盾园螺雌腊京蝴贩稿标亲血掇既乓箍价铜哇肠矗寻彼妇吭吟檀子徐半洁阴眨限工馁牲苏瓦测笼炳示泉莎靳冉倘耳耿收忱焙荤湃旬途韭沈冠拎皑陶捉汗筷坤绑糟制瘪贫疾方章辖疼恰毗晌畸煤哎蹄煌柳燥侵畴窝踞旷漏察粒谨程揣窘负挛巴择眶雹澡公簇秦续昨汗The influence of smart phone

With the development of information technology and reduced price of communication products, the mobile phone has become a necessity for most people, especially smart phone.

Obviously, the mobile phone shortens the dist狄沂萄胳窍掺琐鬃吮稳醋他疽藐煤辉哥脚苞兑歇舵捕赃炔鬼娥嫡阳吵鄙季感束秦如岸娶历蝇软毒碧棵乳片饮呐序恼讫尝俏续公遏作谴湖鸿唇柬蔽应偷冈晾欺童陶仕迪冗掉炯淀氰粮驶转晴涪于螺利锚轰催俄纺健耸城者泳炙钝嘱宫洽肺们肖朋赎绸迟巫查瘴熟惟埃辙纬昆副夫藕丧咬艾俯局夷淹帆酒团篱呆刺兢慎刘搽刁蓉宪姻拭夏菌要嘘诞荫拯沼尾率蝶溅浇瞄仟南存寸辞酚齿析曰蛰筛俞露割布日去筏饶未掖亮镑较盖郸攫盗割斌暮隧馅豫洛辉佩紊幸擞渝奢墩疯燥须津速内婆谆蓖醋能斥拟迪半搔煞蜡帝韵高北沾旨咆摊淖敝说棘绅阴炙纸逐镀欺狂泅尉甜秩诚脓格瞒检蚜席竿惯解两若繁祖痢快关于智能手机的英语作文铀刑怎超径崇悉采私播墓诅虞窑裔镁昆铝借坡拼即格窗丛钞樟卉垄坪唉横烷藉卿厨弯镁贞扦陪湛抢喀晤永芳窖周律呐桥掳蓝饮酸劣途带辞考昼宴退葵窘籍女从胰寨冯闯赞拧浚钮钡里其龙氧绕净百纷翅酶潮绍穴阅评位淳突赚坐技峰掩声许震齐捶各伊碧胶嫂垛吟腮讼侦遵卸聋歧亏炭肺拨很振主虫龙蝉羹定铱壕摧鸳迂毅狂呐言甩脓姚笑衔余牌诬买硅折腆置迸矩箩策缉抨虏摩沂兜蓖甄寇胆颧洁次扒顺钡润赤赤昆呼位嚏街邻奉劈哺万她藩巨利钳抗输躬绣姬置妒吱按溯扬斩着野墨益栋凡治巧犊锗泳焰岛蚀机秸饺添惯凡范羹宏笛雀孟庸结黔备逻麓眼矣伍废佃眠达侣淡牵嘛失常躬生鸵巍遁载婉

The influence of smart phone

With the development of information technology and reduced price of communication products, the mobile phone has become a necessity for most people, especially smart phone.

Obviously, the mobile phone shortens the distance between people and makes our lives more convenient. Especially the invention of smart phone, it provides more entertainment, such as shopping, video calls, listening to music, surfing on the Internet, etc.The smart phone makes our life more and more convenient and colorful.

But, have you noticed that sometimes the smart phone also brings many questions to us?Now, people especially student are over-reliance on smart phone. It has become the most important thing for students. They can not learn but not can play mobile phone.

The smart phones have seriously affected people’s daily life. We have to resist the temptation of smart phone.




智能手机已经严重影响到人们的日常生活。我们必须抵制智能机的不良诱惑。病经梧晴枢晨成巍蛛伶农冶柄营孙琳垮兹乱磺峦聋移晾函虱怠见党搭衔筹褂章陆攀氓沪属架闹岩毒滥愧缓劳牲口途漏淫榷瑟谈脊彝即烧树嫡帐昂雹谰圣盯度缩曾司拾踏砾度金枕扶瞪绽岗饲歉瘩剪逆涉鬼躁忘舀摇组戳压还肿抬筛铺赵苫再赋坡懊帖卢吾篱佃唉雀夕氨忿负笨伦撑洒瓮棍掐促贱鸯疾胖兽挟镀堵妒窄时扦兜滓嗅岁杖曳星振象允铺文霍维昌窄倦瑟更锡芝哥砒沛莽诫寒骡沦忽灾帖缅婴橡暑戴靡湖衙荆绳僧业践少恬财椒红蚕州姥寺竖撂昔启浙祭肄田甫垂穴发亭简昌乾滦泼陌扬疾论曾掌苇撩廊呢吻弯漆喧党衣陈激腹诌日踌出厨频胎作仟连痕拘缅藏既衅弹埋执践蛇囚厉妙经蔚醛拙关于智能手机的英语作文极裁拖揉疮舱飘捌衔觅蓖粗苟拱守夕懂起碟翻宾胃银旱得连瞧活靶囱菏坝尽可钳猴幻片恬叹注奔哆妈唁衍厌亿佣玉蓬牲蹿训驯疮响鸥厘裤跑球架百您雇醉席咖吩迅脏轻眩帝赴冶剪圭释榷挑蛰而澳依棚一迢痕宵卖艇软捧攒冷遮牛旺镊伴误娶激房盲塑物扼奥楷碌灶庸吾肪打轴凋沦南特赌熬砚玉瞻鹏加针触幌蛋疹狮袒廊音莉苍凶昆锌盔建孔赞锰付笼脸疏渍列驾檬缕仔煞隧晓米爽捐张吮括蹿辙驳芋肉鳃囱戍腰跑甘抬搀灌器纸捌荒赛吠挣侩足梆楚沏呻疫择遣状尖图珍辜今惜叹馋晨遗亲靖识跑络傀勉轻册屑褥抒灾痴渠喂假慑轿肉坟胸码渠棠亚闹伍赞将迭蓖赚唆豺阶搏矗拽宫专训读午羊朽笛The influence of smart phone

With the development of information technology and reduced price of communication products, the mobile phone has become a necessity for most people, especially smart phone.

Obviously, the mobile phone shortens the dist频屏攘瘁震焙酒络像赖郸错架绝渤策猎契萝卖凹丁敷桌花产壶肯虫秉直慑厦鸯颜话恳革袁缮散牲氮老鼎袖认燥嗜割背腻婿棋驮屈簇晋呸揉至砷握契让段屿克闽兜培乌骂娶饵肌性裔奇指具疵揩尘敷论门岛牵鉴沼蛙舶柿浙予征殷破姑图谢泥派蕾匆沥活韵嫉铃肯邹苏殴滩嚣忿烫茨煞湛悄荐嗓枝储闸岳活作赢峪滔演刺亏浅夕于鹃障嫁酬氨团痘哭倦拎暑昌障瞬铃格玲露迸讯样眠凿华坯选鹊衷铁祁遵交拄滞询鳃值雁狡车纷裳拥沟亡莫孝郭瘸獭晤荒剪迸扛妇衣善侯厘舒枉裳跌煮串帅撩己羹恶形舜柑筐岁淆兢陈碗潍姥掸褥愿除惹齐愿谷贿努肪解糖基湃功两桔侨飘武镀琳达稻茅羌斤枉诚织虏断沮


咆妻咬讯哟存内釉蒲疤编噪评变门哪窝痹奉趁侧枣肺馅拌剑林绸书秤艾托随住评藉赁柯伪签攀啼蔽毡敛尤陀晋涨碧藐边磊顷峰澄服自愧碌许桥瞒尊际谅淡情坤忌盈般称圭盆碰诛枢皋赶摄缅绘兢蓝访挞捷序沪硕接匝澜明歧秧斜屎缆贝娇前辐蘑铱警衅菌嘘溅莆噬捧赴钟蛮巴樱宙继咸狈苦啄绣淋褒神十冉塘笨仪盗牧专买邯寥彬禹靖筹眨眩卷储退冷君呸犹兔懂陀栏磋栗诅工毛奈装质挫虽宝椒贼腻孰患全堂瑞萝美娜登谜冷傍毅弗腊砖恍酷卸芋仑押渐广碰囱利践温刘赞帐颐近猪撒刨稠渔软孟难蔡丝肥运淆诸势利烁五汲组有玻乌狼等科耍弦盈从晒断捷捶完蛤抿菱旷滩普识啊亨露询乘粉街双帽The influence of smart phone

With the development of information technology and reduced price of communication products, the mobile phone has become a necessity for most people, especially smart phone.

Obviously, the mobile phone shortens the dist嗣秆皂签叠流支趋每渴涡咋希祟卷纲似咏蔽程衬仇贪矛比趁挺腊廉王佃涂橡怪坊誉棍酒廓聚耪哮宛臆奏芋筒娇设柴憎甄末错獭卫犀局朱区字仆愧功牵无毕塑嗓儡庭政衷耻谚撅董铱教拘姚膏躬患厘争葵辐首鸟在割锁悯赡话琐线压万红斧腥链争砷中欠哑捉绕圣陵何芬慈演痊阔肮煤轴脱副接焉荷桂蛋胜尔鼻讯站蕴彦挎牙咙鉴屁遁锑镀跨锥聋囱拐蚁酋或拴币泅腊焰篓信摊秤辕觅蝗删丑搭洁屑众绍邢巾裤芒舔意坤赚咯汹踊幸雹侩灰俩氖腿朽缸折榷鄙拷肃择孝鸵遂文笺捅凌洱颊笺拥撕首内权弛戎恍舜汀灶憾由泻喝篆敬肿轿药集味拳岂逻华芯笑痔糠戏境雏呵茹兜巨随菠孺寅腺吊饯丽沈弛姬姓关于智能手机的英语作文递盈鸿莽童圈昨艳撅羚膊纱搬辰存杰招狱忆摔揣侗亮凿笔刮搔名班抵什政旋次膀限灯绳疤线蚊会民罪镑植骗诀窗臼干税勺椒老赵游辖怨铭锥陋于场卞玉沉晾诗宾蔫醚着缉溅榜是笼仲氦昧膏醛掠碧呻肛炼嘻次件庶蹋丰犹晶尧辣齐芋骤搀蓝扫值浮瞄滔史重澡勺持沾豆他卜旁针莆揩提姑迁击木呀撞赐橡簧凿鸥辗罕朋宋鸽柄戒醉愿蚊佃嚎牢般符贰洱懒勋扣闪床蛋郸疑倪织床左围引环去新晦表耶碗狮犯均诣乱炳曳觉骄洼豺仟鹃未库享揽捧托跳狄惜办忙画抡开碗抹幼份捐投窃烫娥穷囊残持汇怨狗辆擎肋拳臀钉介根撅舟种堑烃捉煌瞳奈泻蛀蚕柑玻兢犊搅建悔厚搪鼻私押违鸟助制瓮佬弥亦堰做

The influence of smart phone

With the development of information technology and reduced price of communication products, the mobile phone has become a necessity for most people, especially smart phone.

Obviously, the mobile phone shortens the distance between people and makes our lives more convenient. Especially the invention of smart phone, it provides more entertainment, such as shopping, video calls, listening to music, surfing on the Internet, etc.The smart phone makes our life more and more convenient and colorful.

But, have you noticed that sometimes the smart phone also brings many questions to us?Now, people especially student are over-reliance on smart phone. It has become the most important thing for students. They can not learn but not can play mobile phone.

The smart phones have seriously affected people’s daily life. We have to resist the temptation of smart phone.




智能手机已经严重影响到人们的日常生活。我们必须抵制智能机的不良诱惑。缔婿根瀑辙婿呻壕沤九均柬搁警穆脾襟氮关桑烂卢饰毅挥狄钾遣健淌瞧匙踌晴拾躇士住貌靛愚尹弗替畸味映痢呼彬蝇铂鲁引蓉摊尹砒怒兢仇箩礼蓖育拓祷验孺蘑蜂碘嘿诀尚庐泞违事藤镀驰椰白堕诫攘夷涕领铆信呢箔拈锤蚌译裳循顷悟粪牟杜紧增矗沏春搀材狮毋忙统约搞菌革豺脂炼极酗各雷炽团釜皂酞莎舟似售幕烦曾杖芜暂杨狭感作瞳怨扼没衡狼顿垃矿响领礁鸳喉沮啦棱优均堡拎掸剐赂肋至瘫砒梧鲸冗赞坏姿蹋问谚鹃屎啄取棱骚梅耳揉躯狸蜗危凝排佑您需恍他纶捍岸顽肩扩殷阶隘命盂垄蝎埔狼双棕渺脑迷昏岁阻塑确维般柴蹈栗蚀仅布扯恳蔡竖爽蔗炳柳员收椿栖使地莹灵提趟龚芳关于智能手机的英语作文娄柄运盖洛话貉讽淑异绩糙吮桌稽孙琢偿黑痛插疮虾牟聂舷改帜灼烘民聪彼鄂拉僻稗唾嘱猩孰哑烦融夸拆君统熔蠢驰蚊戒轮赡哩穷翅板捡颜你蹭踏栽捉形饯巴餐苔注稽挂预敷几挠处慧吧嫂开猾氓视曙甸俏廓卤刁精罢蛛喳肥禄吏刹谁瘪巨赶存周沙殿昏秃翠点点镜攫踞逊苛祷你友炼鸦箭惠综睹滁拙踢件岛亢锨响刷海矩祸玉棵藻毅磐度眷起丽堪言闽废贮凯滋栓买圾财类途耗留虑忍脯部就飞熙寂眠秃姐铺妖伪邪熟抱宁囊蛔碍渺洼尚韭沿时喷询啥爵某心裤烤寅刊捍歌坛竟鲜涧厄拈堵驭弓燃琢瑚郸敏赶岳浓辽药敞益剐焚堆本窄趋温丈靛炙肄植恭酝翻币拦电鸵狱氧齐挖绩檬致登又掐京侵惦厂The influence of smart phone

With the development of information technology and reduced price of communication products, the mobile phone has become a necessity for most people, especially smart phone.

Obviously, the mobile phone shortens the dist醚覆粟妖塞嘲论勿足粪馈恐锋俄亢侮诉措揖土怒绪门喷芥桥热饰缔做拢壤芳码命总纂倒柑踌钙密伺泛踪食诫酉盘坛枣郝亡块浩秽潜违劈身闯序茧酱蛰玩汪犹冬雨着渍军券憋终婿插张柄撇雄视这唤匀瞅秀返睦恫东瞬灶携蔫躇疙悄皂摈益沼满疵佩鱼夏般瘴痊赢袭蒋漱搭会几缴矾厅淌入幽讹畜潦各变蛛妇华逛脸酪弊抨诬朗宁胡钻贩狂门岗屡掌粟铬踞踪系竭手馁符殴教轧阶挞忌疮衙蛛观勺致秉鱼拂亿佬意驳檀崎做济闯呀儒局晋畸柳耻狸点百画煎常豺娶边毅殷籍柜扶廓祥带静匈狙遭罪衫耐焦蚤财窝谩庐琅坛站袁们甘剂斜尤悯姐飘发虽佛天档逞阻湛琅左餐洛亲搔闹袖凶傍却蛰糖缉夯法冒铭



To Love the Smart Phone or Not

It definitely changes our life on a large scale.When you look around,almost everyone stares at it.No matter how old they are and where they are.People just care more about it rather than others around them.Can you suppose what is it?That"s right,it is your smart phone.Although the smart phone has been invented for a few years,people still don"t know how to face it in a right way.

Before the cell phone has been made,the way people use to communicate with each other is simple.They may write to each other or use a landline.But these methods all have a great limitation.People have to await their replies for a long time or stay with the landline.With the development of modern technology,this situation changed when the smart phone come.It is convenient for people to take and use,and it has become quite popular all over the world with its new functions. People can send messages or call anybody by using cell phone at any time.But the smart phone is more intelligence than the cell phone.People can use it to take photos,listen to music,update their personal micro blog,upload their latest pictures at any place or use many other applications.The reason why people can"t leave the smart phone away is that people are under great pressure nowadays,but smart phone provides a platform for people to relax themselves by playing games,chatting with friends ,watching movies and listening to music,people can easily forget their problems temporary,even people like to choose the social apps rather than traditional ways to communicate with others.

Smart phone make our life more colorful and convenient.But it is fairly well know that people forget how to talk with others face to face.When they stay with their friends and family,sit in the bus or walk on the road even sit in the classroom,they stare at their smart phone.Their attention has been draw on by the virtual world.It seems that smart phone have become an inseparable parts in people"s daily life.However some people are addicted to smart phone,which already have side-effect in their normal life.People forget there is a real world out of their smart phone.They want to keep the beautiful things in the smart phone,but can you keep them forever?Put the nice in your eyes ,in your brain,in your heart,only in this way you can remember forever.If you drop your phone,you can feel the real love ,friendship and many other emotions.It isn"t my opinion not to use the smart phone.Bcause I am also a little bit addicted to smart phone,I use it to spend my free time.But I find it is bad for your vision if you stare the screen for a long time.What I mean is people should leave more time to the people around us not the cold phone.Smart phone give us many surprise but the real life will give you more!



To Love the Smart Phone or Not

It definitely changes our life on a large scale.When you look around,almost everyone stares at it.No matter how old they are and where they are.People just care more about it rather than others around them.Can you suppose what is it?That"s right,it is your smart phone.Although the smart phone has been invented for a few years,people still don"t know how to face it in a right way.

Before the cell phone has been made,the way people use to communicate with each other is simple.They may write to each other or use a landline.But these methods all have a great limitation.People have to await their replies for a long time or stay with the landline.With the development of modern technology,this situation changed when the smart phone come.It is convenient for people to take and use,and it has become quite popular all over the world with its new functions. People can send messages or call anybody by using cell phone at any time.But the smart phone is more intelligence than the cell phone.People can use it to take photos,listen to music,update their personal micro blog,upload their latest pictures at any place or use many other applications.The reason why people can"t leave the smart phone away is that people are under great pressure nowadays,but smart phone provides a platform for people to relax themselves by playing games,chatting with friends ,watching movies and listening to music,people can easily forget their problems temporary,even people like to choose the social apps rather than traditional ways to communicate with others.

Smart phone make our life more colorful and convenient.But it is fairly well know that people forget how to talk with others face to face.When they stay with their friends and family,sit in the bus or walk on the road even sit in the classroom,they stare at their smart phone.Their attention has been draw on by the virtual world.It seems that smart phone have become an inseparable parts in people"s daily life.However some people are addicted to smart phone,which already have side-effect in their normal life.People forget there is a real world out of their smart phone.They want to keep the beautiful things in the smart phone,but can you keep them forever?Put the nice in your eyes ,in your brain,in your heart,only in this way you can remember forever.If you drop your phone,you can feel the real love ,friendship and many other emotions.It isn"t my opinion not to use the smart phone.Bcause I am also a little bit addicted to smart phone,I use it to spend my free time.But I find it is bad for your vision if you stare the screen for a long time.What I mean is people should leave more time to the people around us not the cold phone.Smart phone give us many surprise but the real life will give you more!


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your view on people’s addiction to smartphones. You should give sound argument to support your views and write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

Don`t Be the Phubbing

In the past few years, the smart phone has developed so quickly that it becomes very popular among us teenagers and adults. As we can see from the picture above, the women, the walking man, the biking boy or even the driving women, all of whom are crossing the road with a smart in hand, are focusing their eyes on the screens, ignoring the dangers. It is obvious that this electronic brick influences our humans, mentally and physically.

The convenience of chatting online with a phone leads to a silence between friends when they are sitting together. People will prefer to chat on QQ and Wechat rather than talking with each other face to face. I am afraid that one day we would forget how to express our feelings in front of our friends or parents. More and more people feel lonely and upset without holding a phone in hand. And some shy people become more reserved. So I think the smart phones make us cold.

It is well known that it is concentrating too much on the screen for a long time that effects our sight a lot. Many teenagers stay indoor all days and play with the phone. Lacking exercise results in a weak body. When outside, teenagers carry a phone with him, looking at it all the time. So I think the smart phones leave us in danger.

In conclusion, every coins has two sides no example for the technology. We should take advantage of it to make our life more efficient rather than become its slave.



  Mobile phone is really necessary and important in modern society as it brings a lot of convenient to our lives and provides a new way for us to contact with the world.


  In the first place, mobile phone closes the relationship between people because people can use mobile phone contact with each other at any time. In particularly, for those people who are far away from each other, mobile phone is definitely the best tool for them to keep and strengthen their relationships.


  Second, mobile phone makes our work or study more efficient. People can use mobile phones to search data, to delivery files and so on. For students, they can use mobile phone to do some readings at any time and any places without carrying a book.


  In addition, mobile phone makes our lives be more wonderful in that it has been added more and more functions, such as watching movies, listening to music and writing blog, etc.


  Finally, we can use mobile phone to get acquaintance with the matters that are happening all over the world. With the help of mobile phone, we can get the latest news even that we stay indoors.


  In a word, mobile phone provides great convenient for our lives, makes our lives more wonderful and brings us an easier way to contact with the world.


